Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The simple life?

To help ease the hunger pangs, I'm afraid I had a little too much lunch. ( picture provided as further proof of greediness )


edina monsoon said...

Happy new year:) New year resolutions which involve food are nearly always shitty ones. YOu can be sure mine isn't anywhere near that area.

The Aunt said...

That's appalling. How can anyone who lives in proximity to fabulous Asian cuisine eat that stuff. Edina, back away from the burger and fries; slowly.

edina monsoon said...

aunty marianne: Hahah:) Okay point taken. I'll steer clear of boring burgers for the first part of 2006.

edina monsoon said...

misdina: It was nauseating when I finished this meal. Staying away from burgers for the next three weeks