Friday, November 02, 2007

For Dobbs!

I've been meaning to download the pic of my Jibbitz-s but the internet connection was horrendously slow on Sunday..and after a bit I got deviated to other stuff to blog about. But here it is..I had to stick it onto my plastic folder so it would remain upright for the photo-taking session. It's been moved to the piano cover..which is lacey and full of HOLES. So I've snook it into one of them holes...comic relief when playing boring scales.


dobbs said...

Wow first time I had a blogpost specially for me - thanks! :D

Very cute Jibbitz-s -- now to figure out where to put them. Maybe a buttonhole in your lab-coat?

Btw hubby just rolled his eyes when I told him about them LOL

edina monsoon said...

dobbs: Yes I did think of making a buttonhole in the white-coat to stick the jibbitz in. It's been ages since I this will have to wait a while.

fibrate said...

Good idea to adorn them dull lab coats with Jibbitzs. Do you think my patients would think me crazy? (unfortunately most of my patients are in the 60-70s age group!)

edina monsoon said...

fibrate: Nope:) I think patients enjoy some eccentricities from time to time. So go ahead...and do your worst:))