Saturday, November 17, 2007

Tagged by Katrin

FIVE facts about me:

1. I have obsessions....
a) The first started at aged 5 or 6 where I suddenly became aware of the veins on my palm and spent whole mornings alternating between rubbing it furiously or rushing to the sink to wash my hands. ( thankfully I grew out of this obsession in a got too tiring and after a bit I decided a little blue line on my palm wasn't gonna kill me ).

b) My next big obsession was bouncing on the pogo stick. I got just such a contraption one birthday and my afternoons were then spent bouncing off the stick and falling off every once in a while. I stopped when I reached 200 non-stop. It finally became boring. The stick is up in some cupboard somewhere. I haven't seen it in like 20 years.

c)Then I got obsessed with my mole and used to spent hours looking at it ( not the face..mind just the MOLE ) and figuring out how to get rid off it. I think this lasted a good month before I got sick of looking at it in the mirror and moved on.

d)More recently my obsessions have taken a healthier turn for the better. I think I've improved with age. My latest obsession is getting the entire score for "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring ". And so for the last 4 hours I've been glued to the net downloading various scores and rushing off to play it on the violin.

e) My on-going obsession is getting all books written by Elinor M.Brent.Dyer. Now this is a good obsession. It's one of the few which has stayed on over the years. Anybody out there share this obsession??


dobbs said...

I loved the Chalet School series when I was younger and have 20+ paperback books of the series (about 30 years old) I read almost the complete series from my school library.

Are they available locally? Was pleasantly surprised to find websites dedicated to the series! :)

edina monsoon said...

dobbs: I have the complete chalet school series *smug look* But I'm looking for her other series. Not available locally. I've checked. Pity!!

Katrin said...

Don't know that author. But thanks for playing along. I think the story of you as a girl is so cute!!! :)

dobbs said...

Wow how awesome to have collected the whole chalet school series! Did you buy them locally? And are they fairly new editions? Just curious.

edina monsoon said...

Katrin: Hah:) Thanks. Sorry I didn't tag anyone else. I forgot completely about it and it's a little too late now. Good excuse eh?

Dobbs: All chalet school books were bought either in Malaysia or Singapore. The purchases span over many years. I used to have dreams of heading into a bookstore and finding the elusive book. *shake head*