Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Health...where art thou?

I'm sick of feeling sick. Pure and simple. There's no appetite. Your nose gets all gooey and everything smells the same ie there is no smell actually. ( I sprayed a good 5 squirts of perfume this morning..and still didn't smell anything, although I'm sure other folks smelt something alright.) The annoying thing is this, just when you're lured into this safety zone, where you feel okay, I'm well, the body does it's weird achy feeling. And your energy level takes a downward spiral. And you get crabby. I'm miserable...and I really really want to feel well again.

Picture is of the niece taken 3 years ago...when her parents still new to this didn't realise the bub was cold until they bung up the heater and she finally stopped crying. These kids!!!

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