Wednesday, September 02, 2009

NO fuss vietnamese

There are no fat people in Vietnam. At least not in Ho Chin Minh City. I would like to think it's due to their healthy less-oil diet. The above, was a bowl of noodles, teamed with strips of fat-free beef and carrot strips..and a fried spring roll laid tastefully to one side. Can't remember the name now. But it's not PHO. It comes with a bowl of sauce to be poured into this bowl, after which you job is to stir the contents evenly before eating. The after effects of this meal is NOT post prandial drowsiness, but a delightful non-drowsy-full-feeling satisfaction. Sambal not required


Saiful said...

We love Vietnamese food, only tried it once in KLCC. None here in Belfast la! Missing the craic at home!

edina monsoon said...

saif: awww....what a pity. It's big in Australia...mainly because there are a lot of vietnamese. Not seen as a delicacy there rather a normal hang out place. Prices are decent enuff. I hope one opens up in Belfast soon.