Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"How Time Flies"

"How Time Flies", originally uploaded by DagsDownunder.

This isn't going to be a blog on how time flies despite the title. It will concentrate instead on the failure of my two alarum clocks in getting me up and OUT of bed. I was late this morning. Despite proudly proclaiming the night before that I would drive and pick a friend up at 7:00am in a feeble attempt to arrive earlier, I woke up at seven AM. Directly after the right eye peeked and caught the time on the clock, there was a MAD mad mad rush to get things sorted. I left the house with no breakfast, no coffee, a damp body and hair which looked like I had just woken up. Have you ever realised, when you sleep with slightly damp hair ( bad habit I'll surely suffer from rheumatism in 2.3 years from now ) you run the risk of having an oddly 1980s rock punk hair style?


Lee Peng said...

Love the picture - it speaks louder than words!

edina monsoon said...

Yes I love the picture too:) Some people really have great ideas. I'm still waiting for my "moment"

edina monsoon said...
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