Friday, August 27, 2010

Public holiday hazard

Will I ever learn? The optimistic streak in me made me leave work at half five for home. The drive out to the main road was deceivingly smooth but directly after the roundabout, there loomed the many many cars waiting in line and my car joined in. And we crawled ( and I really do mean crawled) along Jalan Loke Yew and it was dark before I got home. I must be ill. The air condition in the car numbed the nose and hands and feet and I ended up playing " death on the nile" on the macbook in the car. That is proof enough that the cars were practically at a standstill. I wonder whether I would have been happier leaving at 7pm and arriving home within 45 minutes at the most. Note: Public Holidays result in heavy traffic on all routes heading out of the city centre. Dare I hope that tomorrow will see empty roads in KL??

Picture of Lawrence Hargrave Drive Wollongong.( circa Nov 2007 sydney trip)

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