Sunday, March 03, 2013

Gardens by the Bay

Waterfall, originally uploaded by andreaban2009.

I finally got to visit this place. The previous attempt was foiled by pouring rain and a bit of thunder. in contrast we had clear skies and hot sunshine today. Two domes to choose from due to limited time. Otherwise you can visit them both. We chose the rain forest. No regrets at all. It wasn't peak season I think. The line wasn't long to get them tickets. need all members of the group to be there when you buy the tickets. ( this took some arranging...even though we were just 5 )

Here is the sight which greeted us the minute we entered. Thunderous water and cool rain forest feeling. We spent quite a bit of time here just oooh-aaah-ing and taking pictures. Much later on...we saw a guy decked with knapsack of lenses and a tripod and a macro zoom lens. 

You take a lift to the 6th floor and walk up one floor to be at the top of that waterfall......the spiralling walk down was incredible. I'll post a separate picture after this post soon. Oh boy! I had an enjoyable time the weather was so nice and cool inside this dome. Slept on the way to the airport...and on the flight back home to KL after this. Old age catching up eh? hahah

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